An allergy is an abnormal reaction, or increased sensitivity, to certain substances (allergens.) The allergic individual shows symptoms when exposed to these substances, which are harmless to non-allergic people. An allergy is triggered by an allergen. Allergic rhinitis results from an inflammation, and irritation of the lining of the nose, in response to an allergen ; and allergic rhinitis tends to come and go and, recurring during the same season, each year. Numerous allergens may cause symptoms of allergic rhinitis : pollens are most common in the spring ; grasses in the summer, and ragweed in the autumn. Dust and household mites may produce year-round symptoms. Air pollution is also a significant factor. It is known that the combination of modern-day pollution (especially that generated by car exhaust fumes) and pollen causes a more intense allergic reaction. This is known as the “ cocktail effect .” Some common outdoor allergens :
Trees, grass, weed pollen, ragweed, sage or goldenrod pollen, mold spores, and industrial pollution
Some common indoor allergens :
House dust, mold, feathers, wool, cosmetics, dander (from furry pets), tobacco smoke, aerosols, and fresh paint When your immune system is exposed to such allergens, it produces antibodies that attach themselves to certain cells in your body. These cells are found in your respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts ; also, in your skin, and in your blood. As part of the allergic reaction, these cells release potent chemicals, such as histamine. Allergies are quite common. One out of every six Americans suffers from an allergic condition. More than 35 million Americans suffer from seasonal allergic rhinitis.
In some cases, having one kind of condition can predispose people to certain allergies. Anaphylaxis is an acute allergic reaction which affects the whole body, and requires immediate medical attention. You can't prevent allergies. All that one can really do is to try to prevent symptoms by avoiding known allergens. According to Dr. Shirahata, hydrogen-rich water (active hydrogen water) to bind to excessively-emitted (released) free radicals caused by an allergy in your body, is to produce perfectly harmless water, or H₂O and it results in inhibiting the symptoms of allergy. That is to say, active hydrogen, sourced from hydrogen-rich water, scavenges and neutralizes excessively-released free radicals, caused by an allergy, which end up being expelled from your body, as water, (H₂O) ; or in the form of urine, faeces and perspiration.
Hydrogen-rich water (antioxidant water) is believed to play an important role in preventing, improving and curing the development and symptoms of various allergies.
Diabetes is a disease in which blood glucose levels are above normal. Most of the food we eat is turned into glucose, or sugar, for our bodies to use as energy. The pancreas, an organ that lies near the stomach, produces a hormone (insulin) to help glucose get into the cells of our bodies. When you have diabetes, your body either doesn't produce enough insulin, or it can't use its own insulin as well as it should. This causes sugar to build up in your blood. Diabetes can cause serious health complications, including heart disease, blindness, kidney failure, and lower-extremity amputations. Diabetes is the sixth-leading cause of death in the United States.
According to Dr. Shirahata, the cells and receptor of the pancreas are vulnerable to attack from free radicals, and are also susceptible to damage from active oxygen species. He concluded, therefore, that active hydrogen, (sourced from hydrogen-rich water) scavenges and neutralize free radicals, caused by diabetes, and which ends up
being expelled from one’s body as totally harmless water, (H₂O) ; and, again, as urine, faeces and perspiration. Hydrogen-rich water (antioxidant water) is believed to play a significant role in preventing, improving and curing the development and symptoms of diabetes.
One of the prime characteristics of a cancer cell is its immortality - its ability to replicate endlessly. In their early stages, tumor cells can only undergo a limited number of divisions. Eventually, a handful of cells, or possibly only one, breaks through this barrier, and acquires the ability to proliferate without end, ultimately giving rise to a malignant mass. Most tumor cells become cancerous by turning triggering a gene that activates telomerase ; a protein that makes the protective caps at each end of a chromosome. These nubs - or telomeres - erode every time a cell divides, and it is their steady unraveling that causes a cell to age and die.
The malignant cancer is generally the one that regains its ability to make telomeres. Cancer cells manage to rebuild their telomeres by activating the telomerase gene. By blocking cancer cells’ ability to rebuild their telomeres (i.e. by turning on the telomerase gene), it may be possible to stop these cancer cells from proliferating.
According to Dr. Shirahata, hydrogen-rich water (active hydrogen water) could block, or inhibit, the bonding of telomeres and telomerase, or the activation of telomerase in cancer cells ; or can be used to turn off telomerase in cancer cells, thus making it possible to stop these cancer cells from proliferating. Hydrogen-rich water (antioxidant water) is believed to play a significant role in preventing, improving and curing the development and symptoms of cancer.
High blood pressure, or hypertension, means high pressure (tension) in the arteries.
The arteries are the vessels that carry blood from the heart to all of the tissues and organs in the human body. Normal blood pressure is usually below 120/80; blood pressure between 120/80 and 139/89 is considered to be “pre-hypertension”; and a blood pressure of 140/90, or above is considered to be high blood pressure. The systolic blood pressure is the highest number, and the diastolic pressure is the lowest number. An elevation of the systolic and/or diastolic blood pressure increases the risk of developing heart (cardiac) disease, kidney (renal) disease, hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis or arteriosclerosis), eye damage, and stroke (brain damage). Free radicals which bind to unsaturated fatty acids will result in forming lipid peroxides. The buildup of lipid peroxides in the arterial walls in your body generally leads to the obliteration of the artery canal. This results in the risk of
developing arteriosclerosis and hypertension.
According to Dr. Shirahata, hydrogen-rich water (active hydrogen water) could block or inhibit, the formation of lipid peroxides, as a result of free radicals binding to unsaturated fatty acids in your body. By drinking hydrogen-rich water, it scavenges and neutralizes free radicals, caused by lipid peroxides ; and this leads to an increased prevention of arteriosclerosis and hypertension. Hydrogen-rich water (antioxidant water) is believed to play a vital role in preventing, improving and curing the development and symptoms of hypertension.
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Viral Infection
HIV is characterized by a gradual deterioration of the immune function. Most notably, crucial immune cells ( CD4+ T-helper cells) are disabled and killed during the typical course of infection. A healthy, uninfected person usually has 800 to 1,200 CD4+ T cells per cubic millimeter (mm3) of blood. During HIV infection, the number of these cells in a person's blood gradually declines. When a person's CD4+ T cell count falls below 200/mm3, he or she becomes particularly vulnerable to the opportunistic infections and cancers that typify AIDS, the end-stage of HIV infection.
There are no curative drugs for HIV in the world today. You can only suppress the virus by using RT (nucleoside reverse transcriptase) inhibitors, such as AZT and protease inhibitors. Currently available drugs can reduce the speed of HIV development in the body, and delay the onset of opportunistic infections. It has greatly improved the health of many people with AIDs, and it reduces the level of the virus circulating
in the blood to almost undetectable levels. Research by Dr. Paolo Carloni (Instituto Nazionale Di Fisica Della Materia in Italy) showed active hydrogen functioning as a protease inhibitor. Once the HIV virus has entered the cell, an enzyme called protease is injected into the cell, and the virus is then able to infect further cells. This protease is a crucial enzyme when HIV virus proliferates. According to Dr. Paolo Carloni, active hydrogen tends to bind to protease. Active hydrogen has been highly effective in reducing the number of HIV particles in the blood stream. This can improve T-cell counts. If the levels of HIV remain suppressed and the CD4 count remains greater than 200, then life and quality of life can be significantly prolonged and improved. Hence, it may be possible to interfere, block, and inhibit HIV cells from proliferating. This protease inhibitors acts by suppressing the amount of HIV virus circulating in the blood to almost undetectable levels. Hydrogen-rich
water (antioxidant water) is believed to play an important role in preventing, improving the development and symptoms of viral infection.
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Miracle Healing Water at your convienence:
What have become to been known as " miracle healing water " have been discovered in countries such as Mexico, Germany, India, France. In addition to the above places, healing waters have been discovered in China, Australia and Japan, as well as many of other places around the world. No one has mentioned, however, the reason why they are called miracle-healing water. The simple truth is that, according to Dr. Shirahata, the so-called miracle-healing waters all contain Active Hydrogen (atomic hydrogen) and Hydrogen (molecular hydrogen) .
Since active hydrogen evaporates within 0.3-0.7 seconds, after generating it (and hydrogen also evaporates relatively quickly from a plastic water bottle, due to hydrogen being the lightest element), it is therefore important that you must actually visit those sources of the miracle waters, in order to cure certain chronic diseases. When you immense a Hydrogen-Rich Water stick (H-01) into bottled water, the content of atomic and molecular hydrogen will be increased to a saturated level within the first ten to twenty minutes.
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Free radicals, antioxidant and hydrogen-rich water :
You cannot prevent free radicals completely, since they are a by-product of normal cell metabolism, such as fighting infection or burning glucose for energy. They also help tone the muscles that line the blood vessels, and are important in the production of certain necessary hormones and enzymes.
Free radicals are highly reactive, unstable molecules which have lost one electron, and are aggressively looking for a replacement — a process that can result in damage to everything from your DNA to the collagen layer of your skin - because these free radicals combine with your body’s cells and tissues to get to that electron which they need. In this way, excess free radicals can cause damage to blood vessel tissues, and medical literature has linked these ‘excessive’ free radicals to nearly all health problems.
DNA can be damaged by free radicals and cause it (DNA) to reproduce incorrectly, too rapidly, or even not at all. Free radicals can change DNA, so as to produce potential carcinogens. These effects of free radical attacks are called ‘oxidative damage,’ and an excess of these (or an ineffective natural defense mechanism that would deactivate free radicals) has been implicated as a contributing factor in many diseases. As we age, our bodies become less effective in combating oxidative damage, which can lead to the aging-process.
Free radicals alter the functioning of cells. While the cell is somewhat permeable, so as to allow nutrients to enter (and wastes to be removed), free radicals alter this process, causing leakage or clogging, and ultimately the death of the cell. Free radicals interfere with the structures inside cells which produce energy, and then leave the cells weak somewhat less defenseless. Free radicals cause LDL (the ‘bad’ cholesterol) to attach themselves to the walls of the arteries.
Free radicals are formed by exposure to such things as tobacco smoke, alcohol, insecticides, radiation, chemicals in the home, or at work (chlorine, new carpeting, air fresheners, etc.) ; even excessive amounts of sunlight. Other causes are a high-fat diet, eating fried foods, or strenuous exercise. It is the free radical production from these sources that we need to be most concerned about, as they cause the excessive and uncontrolled free radicals that can have devastating health effects.
It is now recognized that free radicals are the contributory causes in more than 60 diseases, such as heart disease, cataracts and rheumatoid arthritis. We can help body to ‘scavenge’ or ‘deactivate’ free radicals, before they cause harm, by avoiding some of these environmental toxins, and increasing antioxidant intake. Because antioxidant compounds are effective at very low concentrations, we can obtain protection from even moderate dietary changes, which can, in turn, increases antioxidant nutrients.
Crucial shortcomings of antioxidant products :
Antioxidant scavenges free radicals. However, recent studies indicate that antioxidants are oxidized by free radicals, becoming secondary, high-potency free radicals, due to the destructive chain reaction of antioxidant products.
Successive destructive chain reaction of antioxidant products :
The key antioxidant vitamins are vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, and beta-carotene.
The most important antioxidant-vitamin is vitamin C
Ascorbic acid is the dominant reduced form of vitamin C, and
dehydroascorbic acid is its oxidized form.
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C, C₆H₈O₆) is a powerful scavenger of oxygen. In its role as an antioxidant, ascorbic acid takes in an oxygen ion ; gives it two hydrogen ions (protons), and expels a molecule of water. The ascorbic acid does not gain an atom of oxygen by being oxidized in this manner, but it loses two protons, becoming dehydroascorbic acid. The resulting dehydroascorbic acid is an oxidizer.
The term redox comes from the two concepts of reduction and oxidation.
Reduction describes the uptake of an electron by a molecule or atom.
Oxidation describes the loss of an electron by a molecule or atom.
These two terms of Reduction and Oxidation are linked, because in a chemical reaction, one cannot occur without the other ; electrons lost by one compound must be gained by another.
Recent studies suggest that, at high levels, antioxidant vitamins may prove to have pro-oxidant effects : increasing the formation of free radicals.
For example, the vital antioxidant, Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) scavenges free radicals, neutralizing them in the process. However, it is oxidized by free radicals, and makes dehydroascorbic acid, which contains high-potency free radicals. What then happens results in a series of rapid-process, destructive chain reactions. This results in the transformation of the healthy molecule into another free radical, which must also seek out an electron, which then results in yet another complete molecule being attacked, and so forth.
If this process is not stopped by hydrogen-rich water, these free radicals wreak havoc on our cells and our bodies. Our DNA can even be attacked by free radicals : up to 100,000 free radicals per day.
All free radicals must be neutralized, and examples of some of the worst free radicals are superoxide, hydroxyl radical, single oxygen, ozone, hydrogen peroxide, and lipid peroxy radical.
The most popular anti-aging regimen, practiced by millions of people worldwide, is to take antioxidant vitamin and mineral pills. There is no firm, scientific evidence that taking such large amounts of supplements actually increases one’s lifespan.
Simon Melov of the Buck Institute for Aging Research notes that the effects of antioxidant vitamin and mineral pills are fairly weak, since most of the nutrients do not get inside the cells where the free radical damage actually occurs.
Jay Olshansky, a demographer at the University of Chicago dismisses mega-dose vitamin supplements as : “ a way to make expensive urine.”
Active hydrogen, sourced from hydrogen-rich water, scavenges free radicals, which end up being ejected from your body as totally harmless water (H₂O), in the form of urine, faeces and perspiration.
You cannot avoid the destructive chain reaction simply by taking antioxidant products.
You can avoid such a destructive chain reaction by drinking hydrogen-rich water.
Molecular hydrogen, from electrolyzed water, is effective for only the first 20 minutes, maximum.
There are also available a great number of antioxidant products. However, all antioxidant products result in causing successive destructive chain reaction ; and you cannot stop such destructive chain reaction by taking antioxidant products.
It is obviously stated that antioxidant products always pose a greater risk of a range of damaging and harmful side-effects, due to the possibility of not stopping such successive destructive chain reactions.
On the contrary, there are no side-effects, whatsoever ; and it is perfectly safe to drink hydrogen-rich water, since it produces nothing but harmless water (H₂O), after the reduction of free radicals (active oxygen species). No side-effects have, so far, been reported.
Hydrogen-rich water (antioxidant water) is believed to play an important role in preventing the development of such chronic diseases as cancer, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and cataracts.